Welcome to Finland International IBDP Programme
IBDP Year 1 & 2
At FIS, we employ the 3H “head heart and hand “a holistic approach which helps effective teaching and learning. The “Head” as essentially responsible for imparting knowledge, the “ Heart” that inculcates in an individual the values and a sense of appreciation, and the “Hands” component that encourages active involvement during teaching and learning activities. We cultivate open-mindedness, granting students the freedom to communicate and addressing their intellectual, social, emotional and physical needs.
What is the IB Diploma Programme?
The IB offers high-quality programs of international education that share a powerful vision.
Approaches to teaching and learning are intrinsically linked with the IB learner profile attributes and are inextricably linked to the development of internationally minded students, a central aim of DP programme.
The IB Diploma Program is an academically rigorous and balanced program of education that prepares students, aged 16-19 years for success at University and future. It has been designed to address the intellectual, social, emotional and physical well-being of students. The Diploma Program prepares students for effective participation in a rapidly evolving and increasingly global society.
IB Mission Statement
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
The Curriculum
In the curriculum, DP students select courses from five subject groups: Language and literature, Individuals and societies, Sciences Mathematics and the Arts. Students may choose an Art course from the Arts group or a second course from one of the other subject groups. DP courses are offered at higher level (HL240 teaching hours ) or standard level (SL-150 teaching hours ) with a minimum of three and not more than four subjects are taken at HL .All DP courses, whether they are SL or HL, are integral to the programme.
Subjects you can choose at FIS
Group 1 | Studies in Language and Literature – English language and Literature HL/SL |
Group 2 | Language Acquisition- French ab initio; French B SL/ Hindi HL/SL |
Group 3 | Individuals and Societies- Business management HL/SL; Economics HL/SL ; Psychology HL/ SL ; Environmental Systems and Societies SL |
Group 4 | Sciences- Physics HL/SL ; Chemistry HL/SL ; Biology HL/ SL ; Environmental Systems and Societies SL |
Group 5 | Mathematics- Mathematics AA, HL/SL , Mathematics AI HL/ SL |
Group 6 | The Arts- Visual Arts HL |
The Core Of IB
The extended essay (EE) requires students to engage in independent research through an in-depth study of a question relating to one of the DP subjects they are studying. The world studies EE option allows students to focus on a topic of global significance, which they examine through the lens of at least two DP subjects. They develop research, thinking, self-management and communication skills. They Reflect on what has been learned throughout the research and writing process. They Experience the excitement of intellectual discovery.
Theory of knowledge (TOK) develops a coherent approach to learning that unifies the academic disciplines. In this course on critical thinking, students inquire into the nature of knowing and deepen their understanding of knowledge as a human construction. The students develop a deeper understanding of:-
Creativity, activity, service (CAS) emphasizes helping students to develop their own identities in accordance with the ethical principles embodied in the IB mission statement and the IB learner profile. CAS requires students to take part in a range of Experiences which are real purposeful activities with personal challenges and significant outcomes along with reflection on personal learning. It involves students in a range of self-initiated activities along with their academic studies throughout the DP. The three strands of CAS are creativity (exploring and extending ideas leading to an original or interpretive product or performance), activity (physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle) and service (collaborative and reciprocal engagement with the community in response to an authentic need)
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (Grade XI – XII)
IBDP | Age as on 31st July | Intake status |
Grade 11 and 12 | Completion of Grade X from SSC/ CBSE / ICSE / MYP or any equivalent Board | Fresh intake of 30 students in Grade 11 |
Students are expected to complete a minimum of 24 credits in year 1 to be able to move to Year 2
Admission Procedure:
For admission, students must interact with the Program Coordinator and the admission office. The registration form, along with relevant documents, should be submitted to the school office after payment of registration fees. Admission confirmation is subject to timely communication.